This game was later released as Part 3 of the 'Jewels Of Darkness' trilogy.



  1. The Roc will carry you to it's nest from any of the locations indicated on Map 7. If it doesn't strike at the point shown in the solution, then move towards the nest location until it does, then proceed as shown.
  2. The boulders falling down the stairs always occur when you have at least TWO MOVES to a place of safety (See Maps). If and when you are told that there is a sound of boulders from ABOVE, then seek the NEAREST gulley and 'WAIT' until it passes safely. You are then safe to proceed UPWARDS as the boulder rolls away BELOW you!
  3. Finally, you have a limited number of moves in daylight, at the start.You must find a temporary light source BEFORE SUNSET to carry on and enable you to locate a more permanent light source. Following this solution EXACTLY will allow enough time to achieve this.


Before commencing this adventure it is important to understand the 'teleport' system as this saves a lot of trudging about. There are a number of coloured collars hidden throughout the game, and an equal number of pedestals with the corresponding coloured light shining upon them, placed at strategic locations. The colours are on the scale of the colour spectrum (i.e: Red, Orange, Yellow, etc, through to Gold and Mithril).

Take and wear a coloured collar, go to a pedestal location then 'UP'. Say any colour, up to an including the colour of the collar that you are currently wearing, and you will teleport to the corresponding coloured pedestal.

To teleport to 'higher' coloured pedestals, you must be wearing the 'higher' coloured collar. Be careful when teleporting to the BLUE pedestal as this is located in the Wight's House and you must be carrying the cross and crucifix to force them away when you descend from the pedestal!


On a Wide Stone Bridge......go down to the Mud Bank, outside the Packing Case.

IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - (the room will now invert) - E - PRESS BUTTON - (a 'copy' of your body scan is now processed!) - OUT - UP - N - N - N - N - TAKE ALL - (the helmet will provide your permanent source of light, later, but it needs the Will o' the Wisp to function properly) - S - S - S - S - S - W - W - TAKE SEED - (the seeds from this pod are explosive!) - E - E - E - N - WAVE SEED - (you cause some loud explosions, making you temporarily deaf) - N - (the Siren flees!) - TAKE MIRROR - (the tree to the North is a killer willow tree, and has six deadly 'arms'. Therefore you must throw SIX objects over first to occupy the arms and render it safe!!) - THROW SEED - THROW CRUCIFIX - THROW HELMET - (all grabbed upwards by the tree).

S - S - E - E - (a sleep spell will now hit you but the mirror reflects it!) - S - (you frighten off a masked man) - TAKE ALL - (you will notice that the dice are 'loaded' and this will prove useful, later) - N - W - N - UP - (the berry here is really to drop on the Giants below, but as your inventory is currently full, drop the dice.....the effect is the same!!) - DROP DICE - (the Giants run off) - DOWN - N - TAKE BELT - WEAR BELT - (you can now carry more) - TAKE DICE - S - S - W - N - N - THROW DICE - THROW COINS - THROW MIRROR - (all the arms of the tree are now occupied) - N - TAKE AXE - CHOP TREE - (the Dryad begs you to spare the tree) - YES - (she gives you a carving and makes the tree drop everything) - TAKE ALL - WEAR HELMET.

S - S - (the Sun will now begin to hang low in the sky) - S - W - W - W - S - W - WAIT - (the Leader of the Rakshasa wants to gamble) - YES - (as the dice are loaded, you win!) - E - E - E - WAVE SEED - (the explosions scare off the bloated yellow bird) - UP - TAKE EGG - DOWN - N - W - N - DOWN - DROP SEED - TAKE CASE - TAKE DRIFTWOOD - UP - (the Sun is now setting but you're soon to obtain a temporary light source) - N - N - N - LIGHT DRIFTWOOD - (the 'Treasure Vault' to the East is a trap!!) - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP CARVING - DROP COINS - DROP EGG - DROP MIRROR - DROP AXE - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - N - N - W - SEARCH CORPSE - WEAR ORANGE - TAKE ALL - E - SE - NE - THROW CORPSE - (the Jellies converge upon it!) - SW - PUSH STONE - PUSH STONE - PUSH STONE - (the slab now slides from the doorway).

E - PRESS BOULDER - (the moss moves from the walls!) - E - TAKE SWORD - W - NW - NW - TAKE FIGURINE - SE - NE - (the Octopus enables you to see) - TAKE STAFF - SW - W - W - TAKE CUBE - (the cube is magnetic) - E - E - E - E - SEARCH HAYSTACK - (you locate a Jewelled Needle) - DROP CASE - TAKE NEEDLE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP NEEDLE - DROP CUBE - DROP DICE - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - W - W - SW - UP - UP - WAVE STAFF - (the Skeletons leave and the Dwarf offers to locate a rich vein of ore for you as a reward) - WAVE WAND - (this sees off the Flint-thrower to the SE) - SE - (the Dwarf now follows you) - WEAR GREEN - TAKE CHAIR - NW - UP - KILL DRAGON WITH SWORD - TAKE ALL - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP BED - DROP TEETH - DROP CHAIR - DROP STAFF - DROP WAND - DROP FIGURINE - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - DOWN - N - (the Vampire cowers from your crucifix) - W - TAKE CROSS - E - THROW CROSS - (the Vampire is now killed) - TAKE CROSS - E - OUT - W - W - UP - UP - (from now on if you hear a boulder approaching from ABOVE, proceed to the nearest gulley and 'WAIT' until the boulder passes safely. You are now safe from the sound of boulders from below!).

UP - UP - UP - (the Dwarf will now find a hidden opening in the rock) - IN - TAKE ORE - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP ORE - DROP CROSS - DROP CRUCIFIX - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - S - (remember to make for the nearest gulley when you hear the sound of boulders from above!) - UP - UP - UP - UP - N - (you are now asked for the password) - PASSWORD - (!!) - N - UP - SAY YELLOW - (you teleport to the Yellow Pedestal) - DOWN - W - W - W - S - TAKE STICK - N - E - E - E - E - N - N - UP - UP - UP - UP - S - S - S - (remember those boulders again!) - UP - UP - UP - UP - N - N.

BLOW STICK - (the whistling sound opens the door) - N - E - S - DOWN - DOWN - N - N - N - E - TAKE WISP - (you now have a permanent light source!!) - W - (the Roc should now carry you up to it's nest) - TAKE CATERPILLAR - SQUEEZE CATERPILLAR - (a silken rope is formed!) - DROP CATERPILLAR - TAKE ROPE - TAKE CRYSTAL - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP STICK - DROP CRYSTAL - DROP DRIFTWOOD - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE.

TIE ROPE TO NEST - DOWN - LOOK - (you acquire a battered Silver Face Mask) - TAKE MASK - S - S - S - W - S - UP - UP - N - W - S - S - UP - SAY RED - (you teleport to the Red Pedestal) - DOWN - SE - NE - W - W - S - TAKE SLIVER - N - W - W - S - TAKE BLUE - WEAR BLUE - (the Blue Pedestal is in the middle of the Wight's House, so you will need the Cross and Crucifix!) - TAKE CREAM - N - E - E - E - S - TAKE POT - (don't drop this ANYWHERE yet!) - N - E - E - E - (the Rat flees from the potato sliver!.......must have heard of Rat & Chips!!) - N - TAKE PENDANT - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP MASK - DROP SLIVER - DROP PENDANT - TAKE CROSS - TAKE CRUCIFIX - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - S - W - W - SE - TAKE ALL - NW - WEAR CREAM - (rubbed all over you for protection from heat!) - UP - UP - IN - TAKE MEDALLION - OUT - DOWN - DOWN - N - N - FILL POT - (with the slime) - UP - UP - EAT MUSHROOMS - (they are a drug, and an illusion of a golden pathway replaces the rotting bridge!).

N - (a Troll now demands payment) - GIVE MEDALLION - N - N - N - N - N - (you bump into some invisible mushrooms!!) - EAT MUSHROOMS - (YOU are now invisible!) - S - S - S - W - TAKE SPICES - TAKE MEDALLION - E - N - DOWN - (you are now visible again) - EAT MUSHROOMS - (you will now shrink and all your worldly goods will be deposited on the ground. Notice how the cracked pot is cleverly tucked away in a corner, though!!) - N - N - (the Ants ignore you) - EAT MUSHROOMS - EAT MUSHROOMS - (you are now a Giant and on the way back you will crush the Ants!) - S - S - (now you must shrink again and perform a little task, empty-handed!) - EAT MUSHROOMS - UP - N - N - N - N - W - OPEN DOOR - (forget the chest for now......you must come back from the OTHER side of the door, later) - E - S - S - S - S - DOWN - N - N - EAT MUSHROOM - (to grow again!).

S - S - TAKE BELT - WEAR BELT - WEAR HELMET - WEAR BLUE - TAKE ALL - (in the original text-only version, you must take each item seperatley but take and wear the belt FIRST!) - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP MEDALLION - DROP SPICES - DROP BOW - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - UP - S - S - S - S - DOWN - DOWN - S - S - W - UP - SAY BLUE - (you teleport to the Blue Pedestal) - DOWN - S - S - SHUT COFFIN - (you secure it with the hammer and nails. This prevents the Zombie from attacking you!) - TAKE TRIDENT - N - N - N - W - N - UP - DROP POT - (it will shatter and spill the slime you collected in it, earlier) - TAKE HORN - (skidsville for the Goat!!) - UP - (during the next few moves you may hear a boulder approaching from above. Take refuge in the NEAREST GULLEY, as before) - UP - UP - UP - UP - UP - UP - UP - N - N - N - E - UP - PUSH BUTTON 9 - LOOK - (you are now in the Pit).

WEAR SILVER - TAKE GEM - (the Demon within now attacks your mind!!) - HIT GEM - (using the hammer) - E - E - N - S - S - W - S - UP - UP - N - UP - PUSH BUTTON 4 - (the Throne rises through a trapdoor and you are now in an Odd Little Room) - DOWN - WEAR MITHRIL - DROP HAMMER - TAKE LAPIS - TAKE ONYX - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP LAPIS - DROP ONYX - DROP CRUCIFIX - DROP TRIDENT - DROP CROSS - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - UP - SAY SILVER - (you teleport to the Silver Pedestal) - DOWN - E - (through the armoured door that you unbolted earlier!) - TAKE CHEST - W - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP CHEST - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - N - TAKE PIG - E - DOWN - DROP PIG - (it dissolves!) - LOOK - TAKE PEARL - UP - UP - UP - E - UP - E - TAKE TOPAZ - W - W - UP - UP - E - TURN STATUE - (to reveal an Eastward opening) - E - TAKE RHINESTONE - W - W - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - N - DOWN - IN - PRESS BUTTON 9 - PRESS BUTTON 4 - INVENTORY - (the present is a Sapphire!).

UP - UP - UP - UP - IN - TAKE BOX - OUT - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - S - DROP BOX - (you drown the snake within!!) - OPEN BOX - TAKE OPAL - N - UP - UP - UP - UP - IN - E - TAKE EMERALD - W - OUT - UP - UP - UP - UP - UP - IN - (the boulder passes safely!) - OUT - UP - UP - IN - (a Black Sphere will now follow you) - OUT - UP - UP - UP - CLOSE EYES - (to avoid the effect of what you could see!) - N - (the Black Sphere will now collide with the other one, and they destroy each other!!) - OPEN EYES - TAKE DIAMOND - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP TOPAZ - DROP DIAMOND - DROP OPAL - DROP RHINESTONE - DROP EMERALD - DROP PEARL - DROP SAPPHIRE - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - TAKE SHIELD - S - CLOSE EYES - DOWN - OPEN EYES - DOWN - IN - (the shield protects you from the spikes) - SEARCH CORPSE - TAKE BLINDFOLD - TAKE GAUNTLET - OUT - UP - IN - WEAR GAUNTLET - (to protect your hand from the ring) - TAKE RING - OUT - DOWN - DOWN - IN - TAKE WEDGE - OUT - DOWN - DOWN - IN - (the boulder passes safely again!) - OUT - DOWN - DOWN - IN - DROP WEDGE - W - W - W - W - (you go West eventually to the Treasure Room) - TAKE AGATE.

E - E - E - DOWN - THROW RING INTO OPENING - (to tie up the flesh!) - IN - TAKE RUBY - OUT - DOWN - WEAR BLINDFOLD - IN - (the acid destroys your blindfold, but not your eyes!) - TAKE BROOCH - OUT - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - IN - THROW BROOCH - (the elephant on the brooch expands and flattens the Executioner!) - TAKE AMETHYST - W - TAKE HOOD - (don't wear it!) - N - DOWN - DOWN - S - UP - UP - UP - UP - (this is where you get out!!) - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP HORN - DROP SHIELD - DROP HOOD - DROP GAUNTLET - TAKE SAPPHIRE - TAKE EMERALD - TAKE OPAL - TAKE DIAMOND - TAKE PEARL - TAKE TOPAZ - (you now hold NINE gems).

PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - IN - (you have survived the Central Dungeon, but there's only one way out!) - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP PEARL - DROP OPAL - DROP SAPPHIRE - DROP EMERALD - DROP AGATE - DROP AMETHYST - DROP DIAMOND - DROP RUBY - DROP TOPAZ - TAKE CRUCIFIX - TAKE CROSS - TAKE TEETH - TAKE HORN - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - E - UP - SAY RED - (you teleport to the Red Pedestal) - DOWN - S - S - S - S - S - S - (from now on, when you see the Orcs:- 'BLOW HORN') - BLOW HORN - E - E - E - E - (a hollow voice intones: "This is your referee speaking. If you continue on this road you will return safe to civilisation and the game will end. Are you sure that you want to?") - YES.